The outline of the remuneration system is as follows:
- Any person who, for the purpose of private use, intends to make sound recordings on a recording medium by means of a digital recording machine specified by Government Order, must pay an appropriate amount of remuneration to the copyrightowners, the performers and the producers of the phonograms.
- The right to claim for and receive remuneration is exercised exclusively through the intermediary of an association on behalf of the owners of the rights which the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs designated as the sole association throughout the country.
- So as to enable the designated association to collect the remuneration, a specific system is introduced, by which, with the collaboration of manufacturers and importers, the designated association may receive an amount of remuneration which is added to the price of the specified recording machines and /or media.
- Regarding claim and receipt of the remuneration, specific provisions have been stipulated, under which the manufacturers and importers of recording machines/media concerned are required to cooperate with the designated association for the payment.
- The amount of the remuneration claimed by the designated association is required to be approved by the Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs.
- From the amount of remuneration to be distributed to each rightowner, an amount corresponding to the rate fixed by Government Order (not more than 20%) is deducted to allot to the fund for the activities of the common interests of rightowners.
- The remuneration paid by any person who does not make any sound recording on such a recording medium/machine for the purpose of private use, may be eligible for a refund of the remuneration by testifying to that effect.